Supporting our Fellow Alaskans in Need
As we’ve gone through this journey over the years of meeting so many amazing individuals, we’ve encountered some who are struggling with medical challenges that are beyond the scope of what modern medicine and cannabis can easily solve. Instead of feeling defeated by this, we’ve decided to make a stand. One disease we’ve personally been affected by is ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), a progressive neurodegenerative disease which slowly takes away a person’s ability to walk, talk, eat, and eventually breathe. Our dear friend and mentor, Jim Hacker, lost his life because of ALS and ever since then we have been compelled to help anyone we can who may be affected by this disease, and any family who is struggling because of it. We felt the helplessness and despair that comes from being faced with this challenge… and we know that it’s time to help others who are faced with the same.