Supporting our Fellow Alaskans in Need

Part of our foundation is our acknowledgement of the relief that cannabis can offer – regularly in our retails we hear from people who are dealing with ailments and difficulties involving insomnia, appetite, energy balance, concentration, joint pain, anxiety, stress, and more. We hear frequently that cannabis products provide an easing to these symptoms, and for that we are glad.

We’ve always tried, and always will try, to provide all of our friends and customers and loved ones with the best and most well-informed suggestions we can. The community we have here means the world to us, and seeing the people we care about getting uplifted by cannabis and healthy practices is a source of constant fulfillment and joy.

As we’ve gone through this journey over the years of meeting so many amazing individuals, we’ve encountered some who are struggling with medical challenges that are beyond the scope of what modern medicine and cannabis can easily solve. Instead of feeling defeated by this, we’ve decided to make a stand. One disease we’ve personally been affected by is ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), a progressive neurodegenerative disease which slowly takes away a person’s ability to walk, talk, eat, and eventually breathe. Our dear friend and mentor, Jim Hacker, lost his life because of ALS and ever since then we have been compelled to help anyone we can who may be affected by this disease, and any family who is struggling because of it. We felt the helplessness and despair that comes from being faced with this challenge… and we know that it’s time to help others who are faced with the same.

Each May is ALS Awareness Month, and to honor the rallying call of The ALS Association, we’re planning to offer you guys the ability to contribute to Jimbo’s Wish; the nonprofit organization developed to specifically help those in Alaska who are struggling with ALS. Jimbo’s Wish will be providing housing modifications to assist families with taking care of their loved ones who are afflicted by the disease, and will be providing medical equipment assistance as well. We’re motivated to help them in every way we can, and we hope you can join us in assisting their mission with any generous donations you can provide. Sincerely, thank you for anything you give towards this cause.

Our journey of providing quality cannabis products is always evolving, and our advocacy for helping those in need is truly at just the beginning. Year over year, we want to improve our ability to give quality information about the products we offer, we want to participate in the charitable endeavors which have true impacts on Alaskans, and we want to elevate our ability in improving the wellness of everyone we know.

Donate to Jimbo's Wish

ALS Association - Alaska Resources

With gratitude,

Scorpion Grass


Four Years of Growth, Gratitude, and Green: Celebrating Our Cannabis Community


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