Building Connections & Strengthening Relationships.

December 2023

Over the course of December, we were gifted with multiple opportunities to establish new connections with amazing individuals in the cannabis industry and to strengthen the ones we have. Beginning with MJBizCon 2023, we traveled to Las Vegas for five days to attend numerous conferences and panels featuring some of the most brilliant and accomplished entrepreneurs and leaders in cannabis. MJBizCon features a multitude of events designed to help businesses network with each other, and we feel so grateful to have met some very inspiring people while we were there. We gathered tons of valuable information, visited many different vendors on the expo floor, got demos of all sorts of interesting new technologies involving cannabis cultivation and manufacturing, and increased our depth of understanding of what we should be focusing on in 2024 & 2025. We discovered which transformations to our business we should aim at next to have a significant impact on the experience of our guests, and how we should evolve Scorpion Grass so that we can excel more and more. To anyone involved in our industry: don’t miss out on next year’s MJBizCon, we hope to see you there!

On December 8th, we traveled to Fairbanks to attend the Good Holiday Market Event, hosted by the Good Cannabis Company and featuring Enlighten Alaska, Birch Alaska, Great Northern, Tundra Brewing, Baked Alaska and more local vendors who all came together to spread the holiday magic with Christmas cookies, hot chocolate, giveaways, and pictures with Santa & his reindeer. The event was also supporting the Fairbanks Community Food Bank by taking canned food donations from any generous spirits with us that day. Spending time with all of the awesome vendors was a delight, opportunities like this are always good at bringing together some of the best people in the cannabis industry in Alaska. We look forward to seeing all of our friends who attended the event again in the near future!

On the 17th, we hosted our annual Scorpion Grass Christmas Party at the Odd Man Rush Brewing Company in Eagle River. Many of our team members worked together to prepare everything for a very wonderful evening, including great food, gift bags, giveaways, beverages, and a very fun group smoke session. Having the Anchorage teams and our Wasilla team in the same place was fantastic for all of us, and for some it was the first opportunity they had to meet each other in person. Seeing so many of us together in the same place served as a reminder of how gifted we truly are to have the team we have, and it inspired all of us to start the new year strong by supporting each other and working hard to succeed and grow. We always look forward to events like this, and we’re going to do what we can to host more of them throughout 2024 and beyond.


The Pursuit of Freedom for Cannabis


New beginnings.